Breastfeeding Outreach Activities
Breastfeeding Promotion Campaigns in Diverse Community Settings
Breastfeeding Campaign in Cinema Halls
Screening of Movie “Tigers” (A reality-based movie on the politics surrounding breastmilk substitutes and childhood malnutrition) and Panel Discussion
(@Metro Cinema, Edmonton)

Billboard Launch in the City
Billboard launched to spread the message that it is the right of ALL mothers to respond to their child's hunger in the range of public spaces

Breastfeeding Challenge Events in Shopping Malls
Building support groups and spreading the message on breastmilk's nutritional, economic, immunological, and emotional benefits.

Breastfeeding in Disaster Relief Zones
Lobbying for culturally-sensitive breastfeeding support programs, policies and baby-friendly initiatives in disaster zones where infant mortality is high and mothers have limited access to clean water, supplies and health systems.

Breastfeeding in Campuses
Lobbying for safe breastfeeding spaces and breastfeeding support policies for mothers in their workplaces and the post-secondary institutions.